Top Benefits of Video Marketing: Why Use Video for Business

The many new online marketing strategies gaining traction are giving brands more opportunities to generate and capture leads. Nowadays, video marketing is undeniably one of the best marketing strategies that entrepreneurs should be utilizing to promote their businesses. It provides a ton of benefits, from driving traffic to increasing sales and revenue.

We all know that a business needs a steady stream of new customers to grow and thrive. To make that possible, they need a clear goal, exceptional products or services, and a strong marketing strategy. If you’re an online entrepreneur, your brand should tell a story. And what better way to do that than with video?

Video Marketing: A Valuable Marketing Trend

Videos are important elements in your content strategy. They can be engaging, informative, and persuasive.

The visual aspect of video will always be more effective than text at enticing the audience and conveying your brand message. You can create videos to explain complex concepts, show a process, promote a product, or share a story. They also serve as a great marketing tool because marketers can monitor and track audience engagement.

Why Use Videos For Your Business

Apart from being a visual medium to promote your brand, product, and service, the following are the positive points of using videos as part of your online marketing efforts:

Videos Can Increase Revenue

Research from Aberdeen Group states that entrepreneurs who use video in their marketing toolkit are able to increase their businesses’ revenue by 49 percent more each year.

Videos Influence the Customers’ Buying Decisions

According to Forbes, 90 percent of customers mentioned that product videos influence customers to purchase a product. Animoto agreed, adding that 64% of the respondents say that watching a video makes them more engaged in purchasing.

Videos Can Help A Website Rank Higher In Search Engines

Videos can significantly impact how your website can appear on search engine results pages (SERPs). They also aid in reducing the bounce rate of certain pages.

It is observed that an average Internet user spends 88 percent of their time online engrossed in a video of some sort. That astounding percentage means that search engines, in an ongoing attempt to give customers more of what they want, reward websites that provide viewers with quality video content.

Videos Can Help You Acquire More Backlinks

According to Moz, embedding a video into a post or page almost triple the linking domains. Keep in mind that the more quality backlinks you get, the better your domain authority and ranking will be.

Videos Can Boost Conversions

Quality videos help websites improve click-through and web conversion rates. Successful marketers use powerful videos on their landing pages because these aid them to attract more leads and increase conversions.


Video marketing is proven to be a more effective way to promote a business. Various research and studies are able to back this up. If you look around, you’re likely to find people around you watching, sharing, and engaging with videos. Many would tell you that they prefer watching to reading text. As a brand, there’s no excuse. You need to get on board! Do you want to increase traffic to your website, boost sales, or improve your conversions? You need to utilise the power of video marketing. Shuttle is a team of marketers, developers, and designers who are well-rounded in digital marketing. Contact us today!


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About Author

Picture of Charlie Mcdonald
Charlie Mcdonald
Charlie is our resident video content creator, producer and experienced cinematographer, editor, colorist, and production manager. He is known for being a great story teller and has been fortunate enough to have captured the stories for a range of brands and individuals.