Shuttle Digital Climate Positive Workplace (1)

Trying to minimise our impact on the environment is important to us. That’s why we are proud to announce that Shuttle is becoming a Climate Positive Workforce in 2021 and beyond. 

We’re not doing it alone. By becoming a customer, you help us plant trees and make a positive impact on the planet. 

Climate Positive | Shuttle Marketing Agency

Essentially, it means that you remove the same amount of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere as you emit into it. This can be done through a process called carbon offsetting.

Each month we will be contributing to planting groves of trees in forests around the world, as well as funding Australian and international carbon reduction projects. Each team member and client at Shuttle can now walk a little lighter and sleep a little easier knowing that they are making a positive difference to climate change.

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climate positive workforce
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climate positive workforce
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Climate Positive | Shuttle Marketing Agency

Reforestation is one of the most beneficial ways to combat climate change and help the environment. Not only does it provide essential habitats for native wildlife, it also contributes to carbon absorption and allows the local people to farm and live on the land.

Climate Positive | Shuttle Marketing Agency

Restoring wildlife corridors in NSW

The majority of our trees so far have been planted in the Northern Rivers of New South Wales. These trees help create a wildlife corridor for koalas to prevent the threat of habitat fragmentation and help the koala population recover, especially after the recent devastating bushfires. Some of the native trees being planted in this project include paperbark, forest red gum and tallowwood.

Climate Positive | Shuttle Marketing Agency

Wind Energy and Solar Power in India

We helped fund the installation of fifty 2000 KW wind turbines in Andhra Pradesh and a 100 MW solar power project in Maharashtra. India has one of the fastest growing electricity demands in the world and relies on coal power plants for 74% of its electricity needs. The solar power and wind energy projects will remove 164,869 and 200,000 tonnes of CO2 per year from the atmosphere, respectively.

Climate Positive | Shuttle Marketing Agency

Hydropower in Uganda

We invested in the Ishasha Small Hydropower Project in Kanungu, Uganda. It involves a 6.6 MW hydropower station in the Ishasha river that generates 29.404 GWh of electricity per year, removing 19.027 tonnes of CO2 annually. It also provides electricity to local communities in a country where more than 50% of the population have no access to electricity.

Climate Positive | Shuttle Marketing Agency

Preserving the Mesoamerican Biological Corridor in Guatemala

This deforestation project is located in the Department of Izabal in the Caribbean coast region of Guatemala. It sets out to address the issue of deforestation in Guatemala at a local level and protect and restore 54,157 hectares of forest. The project objectives are threefold: to mitigate climate change by reducing deforestation; to contribute to biodiversity conservation; and to foster the sustainable development of local communities.

Climate Positive | Shuttle Marketing Agency

7.41 tonnes of CO2e is equivalent to one of the following

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Climate Positive | Shuttle Marketing Agency
Climate Positive | Shuttle Marketing Agency
Climate Positive | Shuttle Marketing Agency

At Shuttle, we strive to offer digital without the damage.

We know that everything we do has an impact on the environment, which is why we’ve partnered with Ecologi. With their help planting trees and funding climate projects, we’re offsetting our carbon emissions. 

You can learn more about Ecologi and the projects we’re investing in by following the link below.

Climate Positive | Shuttle Marketing Agency