8 ways to make remarketing work for your business

Did you know that it costs five times more to get new customers and clients than to get repeat buyers? That’s why remarketing is one of the hottest methods in digital marketing today. Tracking customers on pages and then inserting them into the remarketing campaigns to recapture them for conversion is both cost effective and highly lucrative.

“Remarketing is a way to connect with people who previously interacted with your website or mobile app. It allows you to strategically position your ads in front of these audiences as they browse Google or its partner websites, thus helping you increase your brand awareness or remind those audiences to make a purchase.” [Google]

Here are 8 ways to make remarketing work for your business.

01. Build a High Quality Digital Ad

Most platforms use a quality score for digital ads that helps them place the ads into Search, Social and Display networks.  There are 5 main factors involved in the quality score:

  1. Click Through Rate
  2. Keyword Relevance to Ad
  3. Landing Page Quality and Relevance –
  4. Relevant Ad Text
  5. Historical Performance

02. Make the Ad Visually Appealing

Display ads have the benefit of using branded images that inspire or educate or persuade a customer to return and complete an interaction.  Beyond CPC, remarketing is about specific messaging to specific customers with specific interests to help you optimise your spend and build high value customers.  Build better ads and know what makes your customer tick.

03. Understand the Customer Funnel

Remarketing is a cost effective means for acquiring leads, it often costs more than 50% less than CPC because your ads are not competing for search position but position in display. Do not target everyone in your funnel, you will find that visitors who have never qualified as a lead may very quickly cost you money trying to get an email out of them using Display ads. Focus the remarketing efforts on known Leads and those that are warm or consuming a content funnel that you know leads to better customers and get them to become marketing qualified leads.

04. Make the CTA Clear it should shout “I want your business”

Just as noted in the quality section, making your Call To Action as clear as possible makes your remarketing effort more appealing.  You can test multiple Ads in remarketing and we STRONGLY recommend you test the heck out of them.

05. Use the Tracking and Page Links in Ads

Most platforms offer parallel tracking that allows you to track ValueTrack parameters like device and network and Custom parameters like campaign or product. Your url might look like this: http://xyzpainters.com?device={device}. Tracking the customer in your Display ad is critical to the success of remarketing.

06. Use Google Analytics and Tag Manager

Both Google Analytics and Tag Manager should be used in Remarketing. Google Analytics tracks statistics about your website – users, pages, time on site, site speed, content, geography, demographics, geographics, audience behaviors and campaigns. Google Tag Manager helps control all of the tagging on your site including Google Analytics, Google Ads, Google Events and other tools like Google Ads Conversion Tag, Google Ads Rem marketing Tag, Facebook Pixel Code, Crazyegg Tracking Code, Inspectlet Tracking Code, Heap Analytics, Hubspot and other javascript tools for tracking on your website. GA and GTM are a dynamic duo that can help you fine tune your Remarketing campaigns.

07. Rank Your Content for Remarketing

Not all content is created equally and your GA information will show you which pages get the most content, what blog content gets the most views and what content gets the most downloads. Look at your conversion paths in GA and understand the relative importance of content to getting customers to convert.  Ranking your content to prioritise when to remarket a customer will keep you from remarketing off of home (where everybody lands) and keep you focused on content that people consume to use your brand.

08. Consider email marketing

If you are a seasoned marketer, you will be very much aware of using email marketing to recapture your website visitors.  As a medium, email marketing is the most cost effective method for remarketing potentially costing as little as $.01 to recapture a $75 sale. If you do not have an e-commerce store, you may still be able to remarket your enquiry process or pages with email marketing.  To do so, you must know the lead (e.g. have their email) and collect the user information on your site that they were in fact there and looked at content.  Tools like MailChimp, AutopilotHQ, Marketo , Pardot, HubSpot and ActiveCampaign all have tracking code that identifies customers on page and then can send them and email if they are not updated as having downloads content or completed a sign-up form.  E-mail Remarketing is a powerful tool for remarketing to existing customers for cross-sell up-sell but again, pay attention to the page – remarketing to a customer who is on a “Contact Us” page is not going to drive conversion and new business.

Now you know about Remarketing and how it can grow your business. Remarketing is one of the most powerful tools in your digital marketing toolkit.   Build quality ads, make sure the CTA is clear and actionable and engaging, don’t forget to track the ads and use Google Analytics and Tag Manager to help build your audiences.  Remember, not all content is created equally and some content is more indicative of a good customer than others.  And don’t forget that in your remarketing, if you are targeting contacts you already know, e-mail marketing can be the most effective means to ask someone for a call or an appointment over a new product or service you offer.  Don’t let your investment in PPC and SEO  go to waste by not including remarketing in your arsenal.


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About Author

Picture of Fabio
Fabio is the CEO and Head of Growth at Shuttle Digital. He has an uncanny ability to envision, craft, and share a story. His creativity, coupled with a wealth of marketing experience, has led to a fine-tuned strategic acumen that guides his clients to success.