6 ways to improve your conversion rate

Are you one of the many online small eCommerce businesses that believe that they have a great website but is still seeing their conversion rate suffer? Believe it or not this is something that happens far too often. There are a couple of possible explanations to why this is happening. Firstly, your website may not be as great as you think and you may need to a web designer to redo your website. Or, secondly, there could just be some things that you are doing wrong on your website and with the help of a marketer, you could boost your conversion rate. So what are some of the small things you could do to improve your conversion rate?

#1 Highlight Your Most Popular Items

Just like with a store front, you want to highlight your best selling products. Why would you hide the items that are your hot sellers on inside pages of your website? You want to put your best selling products on your home page.

#2 Upsell! Add Products to Your Check Out Page

When a customer is checking out it is a perfect time to offer items that they also may be interested in on the checkout page to see if you can possibly sell additional items. This is the same reason when you go to a retail store you see all the little items by the cash register. They are hoping to catch your eye and make an additional sale.

#3 Add Live Chat

When a customer is on your checkout page and has been there for more than a couple minutes it is wise to engage that customer and see if there is something that you can assist them with. That is exactly what a chat function will allow you to do.

#4 Availability of Your Support

There is nothing more frustrating for an online shopper than when they have a question and attempt to contact the company and there contact information is nowhere to be found or when they try to call them nobody ever answers. If you want to be successful you have to have an open line of communication between you and your customers. Remember, it is your customers that are paying your bills so you need to treat them like they are.

#5 Expand Your Store Reach

One of the biggest benefits of having an eCommerce business is that you can reach a much larger target audience. This being said you should start marketing to people outside of your town. To find out more boosting your reach with initiatives such as SEO, PPC, and Social Media Marketing contact us.

#6 Evolve

Like all technology, the internet is always evolving and because of this you need to make sure your company evolves with it. One example how the internet is currently evolving is mobile shopping and searching. It used to be that everybody visiting your website was using a laptop or desktop computer. In the very near future the majority of the people visiting your website will be using a smart phone or tablet so in order to evolve with the internet it is critical that you make sure that your website is mobile compatible or you have a unique experience for mobile devices.
The conversion rate of your eCommerce website is ultimately the one thing that truly matters. You can get a million people to your website but if none of them convert what good is it. Running an eCommerce business you depend upon sales and there is a lot that goes into getting a sale. It is different than hiring salesman you have to turn your website into the salesman and in order to be successful you must equip the website with the proper tools and layout.


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Picture of Fabio
Fabio is the CEO and Head of Growth at Shuttle Digital. He has an uncanny ability to envision, craft, and share a story. His creativity, coupled with a wealth of marketing experience, has led to a fine-tuned strategic acumen that guides his clients to success.