Crucial Digital Marketing Mistakes and How to Avoid Them

They say that mistakes are a part of our everyday lives, and that is definitely true. As a matter of fact, you make mistakes in your career, in your personal life, and even in your financial decisions. Basically, picking the wrong choice is something that we all go through on a regular basis, and as long as we learn from them, there is nothing to be ashamed of, regardless of whatever wrong decisions we’ve made.

With all of that being said, it only fits to mention that the world of digital marketing is no stranger to mistakes as well. There are times in which a concept may not even make it out of the planning stage due to the many flaws and revisions contained within it.

However, the thing about digital marketing campaigns is that they would often cost more than your average life choices! The time and effort put into making a marketing strategy would all amount to nothing if even one crucial mistake were to be made. It doesn’t matter if you have a plan B or C; the very first misstep is always the beginning of more incoming missteps ahead. Is it any wonder why digital marketing teams are always on the edge when it comes to the execution of their campaigns?

Digital Marketing Mistakes You Need To Avoid

The good news is, there are a couple of pointers to keep in mind whenever you’re working on a digital marketing strategy. Aside from the fact that they would enable you to come up with an effective campaign that would garner your brand more sales and followers, they would also save you from very expensive mistakes that will put a dent in your company’s budget.

Here are the most common ones to take note of:

1) Posting on Social Media Without Any Follow-through

For any company, one of the most recommended digital marketing strategies would be to post on social media platforms to garner as many followers as you can towards your brand and business. This is a highly effective way of letting people know about your products and services, after all.

However, posting about your business is not enough; you have to interact with your target market as well. Your social media followers are just your leads; if you do not interact with them, they may not be interested enough to actually become paying customers!

2) Underestimating a Good Web Design

You have to get rid of your old, bland, and uninteresting web page. Some of today’s most successful brands are thriving online due to the innovative layouts and interfaces of their websites. Viral clips, interactive images, floating buttons, you name it—they have it all, and you’re the only one who’s left behind.

Do your business a favour and hire a good web design company to update your old website.

3) Failing to Focus On a Particular Target Market

Don’t just use the “shotgun” approach; use the “sniper rifle” approach instead! This means that you should be focusing on a particular target market to promote your products and services.

At first glance, it may seem wise just to target all demographics for your brand; however, not everyone may be interested in what you have to offer, making your strategy useless and very costly in the long run. Focus on your main target audience and cater to their needs, something that only your brand would be able to provide.


Mistakes are a part of our lives; everyone makes them, even on a daily basis!

In digital marketing, mistakes are common too; however, unlike other forms of wrong decisions, they would cost a lot of money and wasted effort, much so that they may negatively affect the budget of a company. In such a case, proper care and critical thinking should be practised at all times to ensure that the execution of the campaign would be close to perfection. Taking note of the pointers above would ensure a successful business strategy and save the company a lot of money.

If you are looking for well-trusted content marketing companies in Brisbane, look no further than Shuttle. We are a team of creatives, designers, developers with years of experience in social media management, content marketing, and email marketing, among others. Contact us for more information about our digital marketing services.


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About Author

Picture of Fabio
Fabio is the CEO and Head of Growth at Shuttle Digital. He has an uncanny ability to envision, craft, and share a story. His creativity, coupled with a wealth of marketing experience, has led to a fine-tuned strategic acumen that guides his clients to success.